Blob Opera

Blob Opera is an entertaining and captivating online game that assesses your musical and timing skills. 

Using the Blob Opera game, you may write your own song that is influenced by opera. Allow the blobs to sing their songs freely and create beautiful music. These lovely elastic lumps are what we have here. They can all sing, and they all like to sing, at various pitches. Because it is easy to learn but difficult to master, the game is a perfect choice for gamers of all skill levels.

How to play Blob Opera

You don't have to be a musical prodigy to win this game. Simply follow the directions that are visible on your screen. You can change a musician's tone by adjusting the bars to the right or left while your cursor is over them. As you adjust the bars, you can hear how your voice varies.


  • Produced using actual opera singers
  • Create fantastic music without any prior training.
  • Make notes and boast about your advancement to your pals.
  • There are many voice harmonies and effects used.