Pac Xon

Use a cunning talent in Pac Xon to get rid of several annoying ghosts. Building barricades and eliminating ghosts that mimic PacMan are the goals. 

By erecting walls, you may block off the empty space and keep spirits out. You must fill up 75% of the empty space in order to go on to the next level. Avoid ghosts because doing so will result in your death. The Golden Arcade's Player Pacxon. This game is easy to play and highly addicting, so you should start playing it right away.


  • You frighten ghosts because you're Yellow Candy.
  • Cherries: Pick up the tempo.
  • Orange: Aids in your ability to calm down.
  • Strawberry claims that ghosts momentarily stop moving.

Use these power-ups wisely to your benefit! 

How To Play

Use your mouse to play this game. 


  • Fun and interesting gameplay is displayed.
  • A recreation of the original Pac-Man game's visuals and audio.
  • To gain power, Pac Xon must consume a variety of power-ups.
  • This game has 50 challenging stages that must be finished.

As you go through the stages, they get increasingly challenging and difficult. There are 50 lives overall, three lives at every level. Keep an eye out for any possible surrounding ghosts.